Okay I see why the page was breaking. I was not closing the custom shortcode explicitly. Both the opening and closing tags should be used, especially in conditionals and nested shortcode attributes:
You mentioned the Infos View was not filtering correctly with the custom shortcode used to filter the Etablissement View:
[wpv-view name="infos-sur-cet-etablissement" etablissement="[wpv-view name='liste-des-etablissements-avec-des-formations-par-niveau' wpvniveau='[tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug][/tssupp-get-current-archive-term']"]
There was a problem in the output of this View:
[wpv-view name='liste-des-etablissements-avec-des-formations-par-niveau' wpvniveau='[tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug][/tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug]']
Even though the output looked correct on the front-end of the site, I could see a problem when I inspected the DOM using the browser inspector. Screenshot attached. On the front-end the output looked like this:
In the inspector, I could also see a map marker shortcode and other markup, which was not displayed on the front-end. This extra code was being passed into the etablissement shortcode attribute, and that was breaking the Query Filter. I removed the map marker shortcode, other extra markup and spaces from the loop of this View:
hidden link
Here is some map marker code I removed, in case you need to place it somewhere else:
[wpv-map-marker map_id='carte-formations' marker_id='marker-[wpv-post-id item="@formation-etablissement.parent"]' marker_title='[wpv-post-title item="@formation-etablissement.parent"]' marker_field='wpcf-adresse-des-locaux' item="@formation-etablissement.parent"]
<p class="infos">
<strong>[wpv-post-link item="@formation-etablissement.parent"]</strong>
[wpv-view name="nombre-de-formations-pour-cet-etablissement" etablissement="[wpv-post-id item='@formation-etablissement.parent']"]
Then I removed all my testing code leftover in the WP Archive. Now you can see the results here: hidden link
Here is the strange thing: I must include the View twice on the page. I'm not sure exactly why this is happening. Check it out, this code works fine:
[wpv-conditional if="( is_tax('niveau', null) eq '1' )"]
<div style="display:none;">[wpv-view name='liste-des-etablissements-avec-des-formations-par-niveau' wpvniveau='[tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug][/tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug]' cached='off']</div>
[wpv-view name="infos-sur-cet-etablissement" etablissement="[wpv-view name='liste-des-etablissements-avec-des-formations-par-niveau' wpvniveau='[tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug][/tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug]' cached='off']" cached="off"]
But if I remove the first hidden view, it breaks the filter again:
[wpv-conditional if="( is_tax('niveau', null) eq '1' )"]
[wpv-view name="infos-sur-cet-etablissement" etablissement="[wpv-view name='liste-des-etablissements-avec-des-formations-par-niveau' wpvniveau='[tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug][/tssupp-get-current-archive-term-slug]' cached='off']" cached="off"]
This is completely bizarre. Any idea what might be happening here? Is there any custom PHP in place for this View, or this WP Archive? The only thing I can think of is this: https://toolset.com/errata/shortcodes-in-conditionally-displayed-content-may-not-be-executed-on-the-front-end/
Can you try to disable pcre.jit by adding this code to your wp-config.php file:
ini_set('pcre.jit', false);