- I have created taxonomies with three names
1) Restaurant types
2) Watersport types
3) Bar types
I would like to display the names I gave above in a view.
If I select Content Selection > Taxonomy it is allowing me to select any of the mentioned above.If I select "Restaurant types" then It is displaying "Restaurant types" and its child terms which is not ok.
Second thing, I would like to do is once its display the category name, I have a link "See More" which will display more category title.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
1) Restaurant types
2) Watersport types
3) Bar types
I would like to display the names I gave above in a view.
==> I understand that you have three custom taxonomies and you would like to display taxonomy names but where you would like to display it?
If I select Content Selection > Taxonomy it is allowing me to select any of the mentioned above.If I select "Restaurant types" then It is displaying "Restaurant types" and its child terms which is not ok.
==> As I understand you have taxonomy view and you select taxonomy "Restaurant types" , it displays terms for taxonomy "Restaurant types", which is expected. Could you please describe in brief what is your expected output with problem URL?
Second thing, I would like to do is once its display the category name, I have a link "See More" which will display more category title.
==> I will guide you once you share problem URL and all details how you integrated view and where.
hidden link
search for text "Discover all the great aspects of Bonaire" below that you can see terms for restaurants.
I would like to display the names I gave above in a view.
==> I understand that you have three custom taxonomies and you would like to display taxonomy names but where you would like to display it?
Ans : Using view in content template
My expected output is
1) Restaurant
2) Watersport
3) Bar
Please mark my next reply as private. So I can provide you details.
Well - I see you have taxonomy term "Restaurants" setup as parent taxonomy same with other taxonomy.
So, as I understand you want to display all 3 custom taxonomy with their associated parent and child terms - correct?
If yes, there are two ways, either combine all 3 custom taxonomy to 1 taxonomy and add your terms under your parent terms and display it using one view or if you want 3 separate taxonomies, then you need to create view for each taxonomy term.
So, please let me know which way you want to go further.
Thanks for the screenshots and Yes - I get that point and as I said, you have 3 different taxonomies.
You only want to display parent taxonomy that you show me in screenshot or parent as well as its associated child terms. As you have 3 different taxonomies, you need to have 3 different views to display it one belongs to each taxonomy and you should filter your view by taxonomy parent equal to none to display only parent taxonomy term.
So - another choice is to change the taxonomy structure that is combine all taxonomies into one taxonomy and organize your parent/child terms accordingly then its possible to display parent terms using one view.
I have added it in categories and view is selected as "Categories". But, it is displaying parent and sub categories.
I would like to display only parent categories.