(the above case is when a specific SCHEDA has 2 related STUDIOs and each studio has specific ARCHITECTs)
Please if possible help me to structure the views so to display the correct set of data in the way I described above.
Let me know if there is something I did not explain in a clear way.
However as mentioned the goal won't be possible. The main problem is that your requirements is that you want to display the Studio that the architect is attached to as well as ONLY displaying the Architects of that current SCHEDE.
Now it is not possible to filter the view in a fashion like this. If we used your existing relationship you can achieve the structure somewhat but it will list the Studio that the architect is at each time their name is displayed.
So this essentially comes down to it not being possible based on your exact requirements on how the architects are being listed.
Hi Shane
As I wrote in the first publishing of the site our goal was achieved so I am sure that goal was possible, so I don’t understand why now the same goal is not possible anymore.
Anyway if for you this topic is not solvable I can only close the ticket.