Just a plain field where I can fill in a date end that is stored like a date. So we can make calculations and filters in it. For example in the form we are storing a date for the dat the course is evaluated. I want to filter alle the evaluations for an student in a month. So I need a datefield for that. But I don't want tot use the datepicker for editing on data entry. Just a field with the mask dd-mm-yyyy and storend as an date in the database. I made an example in gravityforms.
Thanks for the clarity, this won't be possible with our types fields. Reason is because our date fields use the jquery ui datepickers, there should be a way to change the format however it would still be using the datepicker.
With the format you want it in from the screenshot it would be stored as separate information. So any filtering would require you to combine the fields. For e.g You can filter for all the posts between the year 1992 and 2000 and it will work.
I'm assuming that you want to do some filtering like this correct?
Use of setDate() action
Now let us see an example using the actions from the above table. The following example demonstrates the use of actions setDate.
I believe there is something here that is causing the date field to not function correctly.
Would it be possible to temporarily disable all your non-toolset plugins and try the fields again as in my testing its possible to manually enter the date information, as well as your datepicker isn't displaying correctly.