This is actually an issue with divi. The divi team is also aware of this issue and have released a beta version of their theme that addresses this issue.
I guess I was logged in and "Enabled" visual builder.
I got on chat with Elegant themes and they, the support guy I got, didn't know anything about a Beta version. If you have a link that would be useful. I googled but only found a paid version which was really odd.
"Okay this seems to be related to a known issue with taxonomy archive Views using Content Templates. I edited this View and replaced the Content Template shortcode with the actual contents of that template, and now I can see results when logged out. Can you look and see if the results are accurate?" - Christian Cox
Let's change the (AWC) Vendor Directory to show the categories like (AMC)
"Working" example on AMC: (GOOD) hidden link
{!{wpv-view name='vendor-directory'}!}
links to the default category page: hidden link
test page: hidden link
live page to add the category shortcake hidden link
The problem why the view wasn't loading on the page below was that you were calling "vendor-directory-category" when the view is "vendor-directory". hidden link
Also if you notice that on your view where you added the post title it is only returning the Title of the current page when it should be listing out the title and the information of the posts inside the view.
I created a new view for vendor-directory-category. Did I miss a step?
Why does the directory work on the AMC website but not on the AWC?
Yes, you have mentioned that it is a know bug several times... not sure why. That is not relevant to finding a work around.
How do we work around the issue?
I have already found 3 solutions on the AMC, help me with this one.
Using the AMC can you make a recommendation to what will work? Obviously, something is working correctly. Ask Christian Cox. How do we replace the content template? reference ticket already sent.
I am looking for answers, solutions or work arounds.
What can you do?
yes, I have opened a chat with Elegant themes, they have not heard of a Beta version. What is your source of information on that? We can't wait for a release.
Let's move forward with get the website working...