I'm working on a cred form and the data picked disappeared.
I tried to deactivate others plugins but I don't see it.
I'm sending you data for access and in the Server field, you'll find data to access the website because it's on a development server.
Could you help me, please?
UPDATE: I noticed data field became a display only field. Could it be the problem? How can I solve it? Thanks
<input type="text" id="cred_form_20_1-textfield-2-1622126021" name="wpcf-data-di-nascita[display-only]" value="" class="js-wpt-date form-control wpt-form-textfield form-textfield textfield" style="" readonly="readonly" title="Seleziona data" placeholder="" data-wpt-type="textfield" data-wpt-id="cred_form_20_1_cred_form_20_1-textfield-2-1622126021" data-wpt-name="wpcf-data-di-nascita[display-only]">
I solved issue upgrading toolset form plugin.
Hi, I'm sorry but if I use Versione 2.6.6 of toolset form plugin data picker doesn't work, if I update it too Versione 2.6.9 datapicker works but edit content from backend crashes.
I need your help, thanks.
English (English )
America/Jamaica (GMT-05:00)
Hi Anna,
Thank you for getting in touch. Sorry for the delay in getting to this one.
Can you resend the credentials for the site as well as the page that the form is on so that I can have a look for you ?
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!