Is there a simple way with Toolset to do any of the following that I am possibly missing. I am trying to get an RSS feed to include custom fields and ordered by a custom field date.
1) An RSS feed for a view? As the view is in the correct order already.
2) Customise the RSS feed for a post type to be ordered by a custom field?
I have figured out how to add custom fields into an RSS feed relatively easy so that is fine its just the ordering by a custom field that is a date I can't figure out. Maybe its not possible, or easy?
For reference if anyone sees this thread to add custom fields to an RSS feed Custom post type, see the code below to bye added (must replace cpt_name_here and wpcf-field-name):
add_action('rss2_item', 'yoursitename_rss2_item');
function yoursite_rss2_item() {
if (get_post_type()=='cpt_name_here') {
$fields = array( 'wpcf-field-name', 'wpcf-field-name', 'wpcf-field-name' );
$post_id = get_the_ID();
foreach($fields as $field)
if ($value = get_post_meta($post_id,$field,true))
echo "<{$field}>{$value}</{$field}>\n";