I am trying to:
Use the custom size for featured image and this is the shortocode
[wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="660" height="380" crop="true"]
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
hidden link
I expected to see:
The image cropped for the specified size
Instead, I got:
No image showing, see attached
When I use the ShortCode [wpv-post-featured-image size="custom" width="300" height="200" crop="true"] on my local testing ground I see the expected Thumbnail on the Front End cropped to the exact dimensions set, centered because no other ShortCode parameter is passed.
On your sample (hidden link), I see Thumbnails of an Ambulance, as in the screenshot.
All, but one, load the same picture. The single exception does not load a picture at all.
The problem there is, the URL it calls to display the image is a 404:
hidden link
All other images are loaded at hidden link, which is returning the Ambulance picture.
Are you sure the Image exists and is not corrupt?
If so, can you try to create a new post, and upload the image there (or any other) to see if that resolves it?
If even creating new posts with new images fails, can you try to see if any other plugin is interfering?
Given the number of Plugins on the site, I'd suggest deploying a staging server, disable all plugins and change the Theme, to try again.
If this also fails, please if possible zip the staging site with Duplicator and provide me with the files (https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/), so I can then debug it further locally.
I tried already on a clean install as above mentioned and encountered no issue. It might however also be due to how you generate the source of the images and HTML.
If there is anything special there, please let me know (Normally, such scenario is created in a Post View with the ShortCode you mention inserted in the loop, using the native WordPress featured image upload mechanism).
I already activated a private reply in case you'll need to submit the Duplicate to me.