I am trying to: use my custom search (View=Custom Grid)
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see:
Search that could be used by any parameter (as pre-WP update].
(NOTE: Pre GeneratePress and WordPress updates on Tuesday, June 18 everything worked beautifully. The GeneratePress update broke my Display Currency Script. I repaired that in the theme's functions php. Today, I realized my search was not working either.)
Instead, I got: "No Results Found" and hiding my Extended Amenities Search function when I choose either the Acreage or Sales Price options.
ONLY the County Search is working correctly.
In Toolset Settings, custom code for search_acreage_range was added by one of your techs. It shows to be DEACTIVATED. I Activated it but it didn't change anything that I could tell, so I've deactivated it again.
Through the help of the Toolset Support Team, the search was working beautifully. I could search by any or all parameters.
Now, the entire form is a mess.
It will search by County and return appropriate fields, but to try and search by price range and/or acreage returns no results.
Also, my property amenities search is not working properly either. When I try to search by Acreage or Sales Price it hides all options.
I'm fairly sure I had the search set to search by OR rather than AND, but the view shows an AND argument. I tried resetting it, but again, no difference.
HELP! I'm literally hours from taking this site live.