Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
name:test password:testing1! OR! password:Testing1! (can't remember)
I expected to see: rooms disappear when I selected a box and hit submit
Instead, I got: all projects return, regardless.. no filtering is taking place
What I expected different that existing behavior- when I select the first option 'queen' I expect the elements that do not match to disappear.
This worked fine on a query I built with your tools for 'categories' but upon adding my first custom group, it finds the data to list as options, but does not filter the non-matches away when I make a selection..
Know that it worked great, for project 'catgeories' but as I need mutli-select (why I bought toolset)
so I built my first group of second level (which had a name, but for clarity in testing I made XXX)
I also made you a log in
hidden link
test & Testing1!
pages are under 'projects'
101 and 103 are the first two with distinct data
see XXX under custom fields. in the picture when you go to the test page,
Well - the issue was - you've added the custom field filter outside the [wpv-filter-start hide="false"] shortcode.
I've adjusted your filter section as given under - Please make sure that your filters should be added between [wpv-filter-controls] ---- [/wpv-filter-controls] shortcodes: