Hi Christian and Beda
Thanks for all the work you've been doing on this one.
The strange thing is that my site is built on the Travel Destinations reference site. So all I have done is make a duplicate of the existing Tours archive that has the custom search at the top and changed the usage and adapted the filters to be custom fields in my post type then added some styling.
That archive has both the post type and a taxonomy (tour Type) as the use for the archive and has the taxonomy in the search form. So I was only following how things were done in the reference site 🙂
I've just tried making a change to the Tour archive - and it's the same issue. The form stops working after a change is made and the page refreshed at the front end.
But as you say, once the site is in development, changes won't be being made so the problem shouldn't occur in the first place,
But it's an interesting one to have brought to light that can be explored at someone's leisure when caching is being worked on - either within Toolset or elsewhere.
For now though, I will say Thank You once again for all your efforts and move on to the next challenge in this project 🙂
See above
Thanks to Christian and Beda for all their help. I think it's given all our brains a thorough workout!
The original Travel Destination site uses one taxonomy filter, that does not apply always, that is true, however, it's also displaying on the same archive a Post type, to which that filter can apply.
Your archive did not anymore include that Post Type in the query so the filter becomes obsolete.
I am relatively sure this issue that remains with the changes breaking things on the front end, can you replicate this for me on the testing site I provided?
That would help to confirm it's really just a cache issue.
The site can be accessed here: