Toolset is used for the custom post type, so Im unsure if its a Toolset, Relevanssi or Divi issue. I can return pages through the search just not the custom post type content.
The search bar is a Divi module along with the search results page.
One thing to check before we dismiss Toolset as a factor is to make sure you have Toolset Blocks (or Views) disabled if you have it installed and test again. (Blocks includes an integration with Relevanssi, but if you are not using a View or a custom search archive made with Blocks I wouldn't expect it to influence the search implemented with Divi.)
Tried disabling Toolset Views but the issue persists.
Can I get around this and build a search function with Toolset? As I only need to search this one custom post type and if possible, don't need to rely on anything else.