Please take a look at my ticket: ""
I have now completed the full circle with Waqar, and am still at square one. Please send me a safe form, and I will give access to the cloned site on a clean server.
Sorry Lars, I didn't receive a notification about your update.
I logged back in to your site, and I see that a fatal error is reported when I go to edit an Award post, but I can't get any details about what the error is.
I added a file manager plugin so that I could check the debug.log if it exists, but it doesn't, and when I try to edit wp-config.php to enable it I'm not allowed.
So I tried to take a copy of the site to install locally to see if the error occurs there, where I will more easily be able to debug it.
But the GoDaddy firewall prevents me from downloading the backup archive I created.
Could I ask you for FTP credentials, and I can try that way?
The SFTP credentials you gave me work, but I'm not sure they are for the same server as your website.
You have given me site credentials for hidden link, and I can log in there and access the back end.
I can locate 2 sites with the SFTP credentials you gave me, but when I make edits to wp-config.php for either of those sites I can tell that they are not affecting hidden link, I guess they are affecting some staging or dev environments instead.
Actually, I don't think that's necessary, as I don't think this is a Toolset issue after all.
If you switch to the parent theme and then edit an Awards post the page loads normally, including with the Toolset custom field groups. The error occurs with the child theme, and the customisations it makes.
With the child theme the very first meta box on the page reports a fatal error (screenshot).
So the Toolset field group meta boxes never get a chance to load, because a fatal error loading that Post Title meta box interrupts the process of rendering the meta boxes.
That error is related to your child theme, but I can't give you any more information about that, because the security settings on your site don't allow me to enable the debugging mode.
In any case, I suggest you consult with whoever added the theme customisations in the child theme to resolve the fatal error that occurs on the Awards posts, and when that is resolved I expect you will see the custom field group meta boxes as normal.
That is brilliant news! Since I am about to rebuild the site, I now feel comfortable in exporting the toolset data into my new dev site, and will leave this awful, and time-eating, problem behind me! Thank you so much for your excellent help! 🙂 You can go ahead and close this ticket.