Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have created custom post types and custom fields. Now I want to display them in frontend, Iwas wondering if there is a way to make the custom field clickable and display a page like Archive where all related post can be seen.
Second, if there is a way, I can access taxonomy of other CPT while displaying the on the front end in case of Post relationships.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I believe you should go through our course that will help you to understand how exactly Toolset works and how you can create content (post types, custom fields, taxonomies) and how you can display the content on frontend using (views, content templates, archives ).
I have some custom field like country, Subject area etc. I have already created archive page for CPT.
If I want to display all the post related to one subject area, then how can I do that.
Second, I have created the many to many relationships. I want to display all the taxonomy (tags or category) of related post from other CPT.
For Eg. I have one CPT which is Organization, and second CPT is Announcements which has its own categories, which is announced by org. now I want to display all the categories or tags for each organization making announcements.
Lets discuss one question at a time. We entertain only one question per ticket. This will help other users searching on the forum as well as help us to write correct problem resolution summery.
To display all posts related to specific subject area, what if you create a view and add a "Query Filter" for your specific subject are and add that view to your desired page.
Is your requirement is to reuse the same view for different subject area like: