I am trying to: Add a custom filter which is a date field called "completion date". We would like to show the items that have the completion date between 12 months and 36 months ago. See screenshot1.png on how we have the filter.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: See screenshot2.png attached. We're expecting those two items to show since the completion date has been at least 12 months ago.
Instead, I got: No items matching with this filter. However, if changing the "date" to a "string" format and compared to a constant date, it generated the right results, see screenshot3.png
Thanks but somehow I found a way to access your site.
I would like to clarify here - do you want to display the posts whose completion date falls between past 12 to 36 months from the current date or you want that completion date should fall between past 12 to 26 months or do you want to compare with any specific completion date?
We need the "Status" custom field as well. So two query filter are needed - "Status" and the "Completion date falls between past 12 to 36 months from the current date"
I've adjusted the "Query Filter" added to the "Query Filter" section of your view as given under:
=> hidden link
Custom field filter Delete Edit
Select items with field:
Status is a number equal to 2
Completion Date is a number between PAST_MONTH(36), PAST_MONTH(12)