I've made a CRED user form so users can register on our website. I use expert mode to build the form (see screenshot 'form-editor.PNG'.
When the form is submitted, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the right person. In the 'To:' the recipient is filled in with First name, Last name and Email. This works great.
BUT: I want to use that first name to personalize that e-mail. There should be something like this in it:
Hi Sam,
I've tried a lot of possible first name shortcodes but I'm not able to get that first name out of my form into my email. Here are my attempts that are not working:
Sorry for the delay (weekend + holiday). I've tried both shortcodes but they're not working. I really don't understand why. Here's the code of my user form:
[creduserform class='Form']
[cred_field field='form_messages' class='alert alert-warning']
<div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--50p">
[cred_field field='first_name' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Voornaam']
</div><div class="Form-col Form-col--50p Form-col--last">
[cred_field field='last_name' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Achternaam']
<div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--50p">
[cred_field field='straat' force_type='field' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Straat']
</div><div class="Form-col Form-col--25p">
[cred_field field='huisnummer' force_type='field' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Huisnummer']
</div><div class="Form-col Form-col--25p Form-col--last">
[cred_field field='bus' force_type='field' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Bus']
<div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--25p">
[cred_field field='postcode' force_type='field' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Postcode']
</div><div class="Form-col Form-col--75p Form-col--last">
[cred_field field='plaats' force_type='field' class='Form-inputText' placeholder='Plaats']
</div><div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--100p Form-col--last">
[cred_field field='user_email' class='Form-inputMail' placeholder='E-mailadres']
<div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--100p Form-col--last">
<div class="Form-checkboxInputWrapper">
[cred_field field='krant-2020' force_type='field' class='Form-checkboxInput']
<p class="Form-note">Ik ga akkoord met hidden link" target="_blank" title="Privacyverklaring" rel="noopener noreferrer">de algemene privacyverklaring en geef toestemming aan communie.be om mijn gegevens door te sturen naar Smartphoto voor mijn geschenk en aanbiedingen op maat. Je kan je steeds uitschrijven door te klikken op de uitschrijflink onderaan elke nieuwsbrief.</p>
<div class="Form-row">
<div class="Form-col Form-col--100p Form-col--last">
[cred_field field='form_submit' value='Ga verder' class='Button Button--default']
As you can see, the standard first name value stays empty and even the custom field 'straat' have no value in my confirmation mail. I did mention those fields in my user form. Perhaps there's something different that I'm doing wrong? :s
Sorry for that! I am constantly working on the website, but I'll leave the User Form called 'Registratie (toevoegen)' for now. I hope you have access to it? 🙂