If you disable the media cloud plugin does the images show up ? So the media cloud plugin moves your images from the website to a cloud server correct?
Its quite possible that the link for the image is still pointing to the one stored on your site.
If you're to display the image field on the frontend does the image display ?
I confirm that if I disconnect the Media cloud plugin it works, but it creates a CRED auto-draft every time I upload an image.
Not sure if it is a consequence if it trying to publish as a new listing since the Image gallery is a custom field and not a CPT?
Hi, Shane is out on holiday this week so I'm looking into his tickets. The CRED Auto Draft is generated if you have a Form that creates new posts of some kind and allows AJAX uploads of images (using the native Media Library). When someone uses the Form and uploads the image, WordPress expects that image to be attached to some post. Since the post title hasn't been determined yet, the system creates a placeholder. When the Form is submitted and a post is created, the automatic placeholder title should be replaced automatically if you include a post title field in the Form.
In this case, the Post already exists and in the CRED form I put by default the current post. Since this is an existing CPT (Listing) should I use "Edit" instead of "create new content"?
Also, how to tackle the Media cloud issue, the issue is not solved yet.
In this case, the Post already exists and in the CRED form I put by default the current post. Since this is an existing CPT (Listing) should I use "Edit" instead of "create new content"?
Yes, if you want to change the image gallery fields for an existing post, then you should use an Edit Post Form here instead of a Create Post Form. More information about the edit post workflow here: https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/publish-content-from-the-front-end/forms-for-editing/
Also, how to tackle the Media cloud issue, the issue is not solved yet.
There is a known issue with S3 media uploads submitted with Forms using the Media Library for uploads: https://toolset.com/errata/issues-with-saving-images-and-media-fields-in-toolset-forms-when-using-amazon-s3-and-cloudfront-plugins/
Our developers are aware of the issue and working on a permanent fix. For now, there is no known workaround that fully fixes the problem. I will keep you posted here as I receive more information about that. We do not expect a fix for this issue before the end of the year, given the current schedule of development and resource availability.
Oddly enough made some tests with "Edit content", it seems to work with "Edit content" instead of "Create content". The 2 issues now are:
1. It seems to allow any user to EDIT/DELETE images even from other users! Is there any way of not allowing to modify images after being submitted?
2. I cannot click the images to zoom in, how can I fix this?
1. It seems to allow any user to EDIT/DELETE images even from other users! Is there any way of not allowing to modify images after being submitted?
In this setup I'm afraid it would be quite difficult. In Forms, there is no built-in way to edit an individual instance of a multiple instance field. Other Users' upload instances will be visible and editable in the Form. Furthermore there is no easy way I'm aware of to determine who created or edited each individual instance of a field. That would require some custom implementation as well. So the amount of custom code that this would require is adding up quickly.
Depending on the type of image gallery you want to implement, it might make more sense to use a separate post type to manage these images. You could create a single (not repeating) image field in this new custom post type. Now each upload exists in its own post, which means you can use Toolset's post relationships to relate these uploads with a parent Listing post. You'll be able to edit individual images easily without editing all the other images. You'll also know who created each image, since they will be the author of the parent post.
So you can see how this approach has some benefits, but again, it really depends on the image gallery display you have chosen. You may be limited by the constraints of that gallery system to work with only one repeating field, like the gallery block mentioned below.
Hi Christian,
Maybe I will explain in a different way and you can provide me your expertise :):
I need an Image Gallery for each Listing so that users can upload multiple images in one go.
That is why I used images with repeating instances.
I tried before with CPT and "attached" it to the Listing CPT, but in this case (Maybe I am confused) don't I need to create a Gallery for every individual listing? I will have around 200.000 Listings. That is why I wanted to use Custom fields.
What I really need as mandatory is:
Uploading multiple images
Able to zoom in (lightbox)
and able to use pagination. Making user click one by one is not very UX friendly, this is what happens currently if you use repeatable groups instead of fields, due to locking the images in one container (Groups).
If CPT is an option should it be:
1 Listing - 1 Gallery - (1 to 1 Relationship)
X Listing - 1 Gallery ( Many to 1, so that a "Food" Gallery can have a lot of listings, in case I want to display a Gallery as a whole and not only for the listing)
I want to have the same as Google Maps - Indoor Gallery, Menu Gallery and so on.
Able to zoom in (lightbox)
The Repeating Field Gallery in Toolset Blocks, which we have already mentioned, is the one built-in Lightbox feature for Toolset: https://toolset.com/documentation/user-guides/custom-content/create-image-galleries-using-toolset-and-custom-fields/
Any other Lightbox-type implementation will require custom code, a 3rd-party plugin, or a theme that provides a Lightbox display feature. There are other tickets in the support forum that mention flexbox or lightbox-style plugins, and show examples where Users have implemented those with custom fields or a custom post type that contains some custom field. These usually require knowledge of JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
I tried before with CPT and "attached" it to the Listing CPT, but in this case (Maybe I am confused) don't I need to create a Gallery for every individual listing?
The terminology here is somewhat loose, but you are correct that there would be one custom post to hold each image that is uploaded to the Listing. There would be a Listing CPT as parent, then I will call them multiple Gallery Image CPTs as children. The name "Gallery Image" here is arbitrary. The Gallery itself isn't a post or post type, unless you plan to support multiple Galleries per Listing. The Gallery is just a widget or container that displays some group of Gallery Images. That grouping is determined by some criteria like the Listing taxonomy terms, or the Listing custom field values, etc. Or, the group can be determined by characteristics of each individual image, if you choose to use a custom post type instead of repeating image field instances.
X Listing - 1 Gallery ( Many to 1, so that a "Food" Gallery can have a lot of listings, in case I want to display a Gallery as a whole and not only for the listing)
Is "Food" a characteristic of the Listing, or each individual image? If it's at the Listing level, then ALL the images from any Listing that is associated with Food will appear in the Food gallery. If you're okay with that, then the repeating custom field approach could work. If you want more granular control where each image can be categorized independently (Food, Indoor, etc.), then the custom field approach is not possible. There is no way to categorize a repeating custom field instance, other than by the characteristics of the Listing post that field is attached to. You cannot assign custom fields or taxonomy terms to an instance of a repeating image field. Only custom post types support custom fields and custom taxonomies.
and able to use pagination. Making user click one by one is not very UX friendly
I assume you mean on the front-end when the site visitor is scrolling through thumbnails in a slider? In this case the Repeating Field Gallery Block does not have this feature, but I think it would be a great addition to the software. If you'd like to see that feature added, I encourage you to submit your request here: https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/