Tell us what you are trying to do?
I'm using CRED forms to allow users to create content and upload files to the site. The default file upload is very basic and only uploads to the MEDIA section of WordPress.
I want to install Download Monitor or Simple Download Monitor to add the following:
1. Track download counts
2. Show filesize
Download Monitor and Simple Download Monitor creates a separate "Downloads" section compared to the MEDIA section of WordPress.
For the Subtitle Project Post type, I'd like to reuse the File upload field from CRED forms and link it to upload to the Download Monitor section instead.
I'd also like to create a view where the files show download counts and filesize in a tabular presentation.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Unfortunately the custom code required for this would be out of the scope of our support forum as such I would recommend that you get in touch with one of the registered contractors on our site that have experience working with Toolset.
They should be able to craft a custom solution for your exact scenario. You can contact any of them by going to the link below.
Thanks for responding. I've posted a job in the contractors forum for now, but maybe you can help me with something in the meantime that is related to this issue I'm trying to solve.
I'm using the following shortcode to show files uploaded and associated to a post type.
This shortcode only shows the filename versus the entire URL that Toolset prints out.
[my_file_name types_field="upload-subtitle"]
The details of that code can be found here:
I added a function that I found from the Toolset support forums and I'm wondering if you can help me with 2 things:
1. Show Download Count per file
2. Show file size per file