I am trying to: place a cred form and a wpdatatable on the same layout
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: submit buttom working the same as when wpdatatable is not present
Instead, I got: The cred form submit button does not function. Note the wpdatatable auto submits when new data is added in the front end. The wpdatable IS NOT in the cred form so I would expect it to work OK.
Please can you advise a fix or a work around.
Hi, I don't have access to the paid plugin version 2.1, and the free Lite version available on wordpress.org seems to have quite a few conflicts with Layouts. Can you provide a link where I can download a copy of version 2.1 so I can do some troubleshooting? I will activate private reply fields here so you can share a link to Dropbox, Drive or some other file sharing service.
Thanks for the link. I'm able to replicate the issue now on my local environment, so I'm passing this information along to my 2nd tier support team for additional investigation. I'll update you as soon as I have news to share.
Hi we have tracked the problem to this line of code:
Waves.attach(".btn-icon, .btn-float", ["waves-circle", "waves-float"]);
Removing line 21 in ..\plugins\wpdatatables\assets\js\wpdatatables\admin\common.js fixes the issue. We will try to contact the plugin's authors to collaborate on a solution. It will be best if you also contact the plugin authors so they are aware of the issue, since it's more likely they will respond to us if one of their customers has a problem. I'll let you know if I hear anything new.
Appreciate you digging into someone else's plugin to fix the issue. I have contacted the plugin provider as requested.