We are wanting to create a document manager post type with relevant taxonomies and tags.
My question is, is it possible to setup the relevant fields below for users. The usage scenario will be for town commitee. Certain individuals will have access to upload files to certain categories based on their user role. Ideally need a page with a form that once filled will populate relevant details for the custom post and upload file/files to for the specific post type.
Upload Date
Document uploads (displayed underneath each other with Title, size and doc tyep)
I would then need a filter / search module on a page "Document manager" where public would be able to access relevant documents in relevant categories designated by the form filled by town committee member.
If you have a document manager post for every uploaded file then the requirements seem reasonably straightforward.
You have a form to publish such as post, which has a title, and which can have an upload date field (although this would just be the same as the publication date of the post), and a file field to handle the file upload.
A search View could search these document manager posts (search the title text) and offer filtering according to categories etc.
But where it may get more complex, I suspect, is where you say this:
> Document uploads (displayed underneath each other with Title, size and doc tyep)
That sounds like you want to upload multiple files to the same document manager post. That in itself isn't a problem (the file field could accept multiple values), but if you want to record a separate title for each then you would be looking at using a Repeatable Field Group to group file titles with the files. Then the workflow for publishing the document manager post and adding files to it becomes a little more complex, and your View cannot search the individual titles of files uploaded to a repeatable field group in the context of their parent document manager post (though you could offer a search of the RFGs directly, outside of the context of the parent document manager post).
Also, you'd need some custom coding if you want to automatically handle things like file size and file type (rather than these being additional fields where someone manually entered the values).
For more details about repeatable field groups, see
Thank you, i created a post type and repeatable custom field group. Already added a content template. I am hoever not able to display the file being uploaded link + name of file. It displays the repeated group, but doesnt display the title for the file or the link?