When you're creating a Form for the inquiry you would first have to create the inquiry custom post type in Types. When you create the form for the inquiry CPT you will automatically have the records stored there when the form is submitted.
Thanks Shane, we have quite a few Post forms for different CPT's already, I'm trying to finding the records for the current ones we have but can't see any, could you please send a screen shot of where I can locate them.
Not possible to send a screenshot really since the posts will be on your site.
You will need to check the Post Type that your respective form is populating for you to find the record.
Lets say you create a post form to add a new post from the default wordpress post type. Then when the user submits the form on the frontend the record of that Post will be found in the Post section of the backend.
In your case if you created a post type called Inquiry and add a new form for Inquiry called, Submit Inquiry then the records would be found in the Inquiry CPT. So you would go to your dashboard and look for the Inquiry CPT on the left navigation bar.
Ah okay I understand what you are saying, you're talking about when a form is used to create a post, so the posts would be the list of submissions.
In this case the post is already created by us and the user is looking at the post and submitting a form to inquire about the post, but would not be creating a post, would there still be a way to store these inquiry forms?
Let me see if I can explain better using an example.
I have a website that is a catalog for car listing and i want users to submit their inquiry for each listing.
So I will have 2 CPT, 1 for Cars and this will be the actually listing. Another will be called Inquiry.
Now I will create a form so that users can submit an Inquiry and connect it to the Inquiry CPT. Now I can just add that Inquiry form onto my Listings template so users can submit an inquiry.
All the records of that Inquiry would be stored in the Inquiry CPT on the backend.
So if you need to check the listing of Inquiries you can go to the Inquiry Post type on the backend.