I am using a plugin called Popup maker. Popup Maker requires one to select the post on which a popup will appear. You cannot target templates. I want to enable popups when a user is editing a form. Since I only create a template and no page to edit a form in Toolset I therefore cannot set a target for Popup Maker. Is there a hidden page on which form edit templates are presented or something similar that I could target?
When you edit a post using an Edit Post Form, the URL is actually the same as the post but it includes a URL parameter with a content template ID that corresponds to the edit post form template. So the hidden page is probably just the same as the post itself. If you can't specify a specific URL, I'm not sure you will be able to target this post separately when the edit post form is displayed.
Thanks Christian
I also contacted Popup Maker with this issue and thought you might be interested in their reply as follows for future integration of the two plugins.
Daniel replied Jun 11, 2:25pm
Hey Graham,
Yes it does. In all honesty you will likely need to consult with their support to get some PHP conditional functions you can use to test for those "endpoints".
We built in support for WooCommerce endpoints which are essentially children of existing pages that don't really exist, such as /account/edit. The account page exists, but /edit does not. This requires additional conditions to target those "endpoints". We added them for WC, but not for anything else.
We have some examples for custom conditions, if you get them to help with some conditionals on their end we can add support for them in the future from your code: Add a Custom Popup Condition.
Hope that helps.
Daniel Iser
Graham Glynn replied Jun 11, 7:14am
In Toolset Types when you want to give users frontend access to edit a form you create a template. You never embed the template in a page. I am not sure how it works but when you click on the edit button the form appears on a page but that page is not visible in the list of pages for the site. I therefor cannot target the editing page. Does that make sense?
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!