I would like to create a view that shows a grid of users within specific departments/roles.
Firstly, is this possible with a combination of Types, Access and Views?
I've installed Access and can see the groups I had set up are showing in Access' settings tab 'Custom Roles'. But I can't seem to find have to filter in any view settings e.g. Showing all users within 'Kitchen'. Am I missing something?
Ideally what I'd like to do is have a view set to filter by shortcode. for example: [wpv-view name="team-grid" orderby="display_name" department="restaurant"]
So this would show a grid of users (profile photo, name, job title, and department) in that department.
I originally have groups of users created using the 'Simple Intranet' plugin. You can see in the screenshot attached that these groups (which I'm referring to as departments above) have been recognised by Access. Or am I better off re-creating the groups another way using Toolset's plugins?