Hey there I setup some post forms, so visitors of the website can send posts, which then can be corrected and posted by admins. I also added all created custom fields and the category field. Now it would be great, if I could filter that category taxonomy field and just show specific categories on each post form.
why is it possible to create search views with that filter and not possible to add that filter to a post form?
The client is irritated now, because when using the search views, the visitor can only choose from the respective categories and when sending a new post for that post type, he now sees all categories? Thats a bit odd, sorry.
Thats because views is meant to be a filter type plugin where users can filter the content on the site. The forms plugin essentially just brings the creation of your content from the backend to the frontend.
On the backend when creating a post you are not able filter the taxonomies on the backend. Similarly you won't be able to do this on the Form because the form is meant to create the content.
There are options in our Views plugin to allow the taxonomy filters to show the terms relative to the posts that are being displayed.
Ok I understand this. But I have another problem. I enabled, that the category field can have multiple selected not just one, but this does not work right now.
sure, these are the settings I made for the category field hidden link and it says that the user will be able to select multiple categories for the post, but as you can see in the next screenshot, this is not possible.
This is actually functioning normally. See my screenshot
The problem is the multi select isn't automatic. You will need to use the cmd+click on the items for Mac computers and for windows you will need to hold down ctrl while making your multiple selections.
This is also the default behaviour of a multi select field as you can see from the example in the link below. hidden link