I would like that when you click on the name of an author, you can access his file (a priori Archive) and that there is noted his "identity" and some information from his card (including custom fields that I added) and the list of his contributions (including the cpt he filled).
How to do ?
Thank you
WordPress creates an author archive at the URL /author/username, and you can style that page using an "Author" WordPress Archive. Go to Toolset > WordPress Archives and select "Author" as the archive type. Use the Loop Output editor to set up the display of each post in the list of results. If you are using the Layouts plugin, you must also create a Layout, assign that Layout to the Author archive type, and insert the WordPress Archive you created using a WordPress Archive cell. You can add a Visual Editor cell above the archive cell to insert User information using the standard Fields and Views shortcodes. Let me know if you have additional questions about that.
Hello and thank you for your answer.
In fact I'm not sure I asked my question correctly (and maybe things are not clear in my head either).
When someone posts an article from a cpt that I created, the top is notified to the author as a link.
When I click on this link, I would like a small summary of the user to be displayed and then all his / her contributions (which can be of several different cpt, he / she can fill in the material, a listing in the directory, etc.). The site offering several sections.
I hope I was clearer that shot there.
Thank you.
When someone posts an article from a cpt that I created, the top is notified to the author as a link.
I don't understand what you mean by "the top is notified to the author as a link". It sounds like you are sending a link in an email or other notification. Let us say that the author of the new post has the username "jon123". You send a link that points to hidden link. This archive URL is generated automatically by WordPress for every User. View's WordPress Archives can be used to design the pages displayed at these URLs.
When I click on this link, I would like a small summary of the user to be displayed and then all his / her contributions
I assume you are displaying information from the User's profile, like their name, website or email, and maybe some custom User fields you created in Types. You can insert this information into a WordPress Archive to display a small profile. You can use the Fields and Views button above the Loop Output editor to insert these fields and style them how you would like. Then underneath that, you will show the Author's contributions.
The site offering several sections.
So on the Author archive page, you want to group the author's contributions based on CPT, is that right? If so, then you must use some filtered Views in your WordPress Archive. Instead of using the standard WordPress Archive wpv-loop tags to design a single list of posts, you will create a View for each section or group of posts. Then insert those Views in the WordPress Archive just beneath the Author's profile information.
If you'd like, I can set this up on a demo site and send you some links to see how it all fits together. Let me know if that would be helpful.
When someone posts an article from a cpt that I created, the top is notified to the author as a link.
I don't understand what you mean by "the top is notified to the author as a link". It sounds like you are sending a link in an email or other notification. Let us say that the author of the new post has the username "jon123". You send a link that points to hidden link. This archive URL is generated automatically by WordPress for every User. View's WordPress Archives can be used to design the pages displayed at these URLs.
Yes, i talk about this page : hidden link
When I click on this link, I would like a small summary of the user to be displayed and then all his / her contributions
I assume you are displaying information from the User's profile, like their name, website or email, and maybe some custom User fields you created in Types. You can insert this information into a WordPress Archive to display a small profile. You can use the Fields and Views button above the Loop Output editor to insert these fields and style them how you would like. Then underneath that, you will show the Author's contributions.
What do you mean when you say : "the Loop Output editor"
The site offering several sections.
So on the Author archive page, you want to group the author's contributions based on CPT, is that right? If so, then you must use some filtered Views in your WordPress Archive. Instead of using the standard WordPress Archive wpv-loop tags to design a single list of posts, you will create a View for each section or group of posts. Then insert those Views in the WordPress Archive just beneath the Author's profile information.
If you'd like, I can set this up on a demo site and send you some links to see how it all fits together. Let me know if that would be helpful.
Yes i want if it's possible, i think it will be clearer...
What do you mean when you say : "the Loop Output Editor"
In your wp-admin area, go to Toolset > WordPress Archives. Edit an existing archive or create a new archive. The Loop Output Editor is shown in the archive editor screen. Please refer to this User Guide:
I will be glad to set up a demo site for us to work on together. We have a demo area set up at discover-wp.com, where you can create your own demo and reference sites. Here's mine:
hidden link
Please check your email for login credentials.
Here is an Author Archive URL:
hidden link
Here is the WordPress Archive I am using to design the contents of this page:
hidden link
Here is the Layout I am using to insert the WordPress Archive in the page:
hidden link
Let me know if you are able to log in and find these items in wp-admin.