Thank you for getting in touch.
What I recommend that you do is to perform a manual update of the Types plugin by downloading the update from below.
Then uploading the plugin to your site. hidden link
Sure. Will try that. Our only worry is that will it affect any of our old toolset data? We have forms n layouts that are being use in live site. Manualy removing and installing it wouldn't affect the old site right?
I would suggest making a backup first because Anything can go wrong in a case like this.
However it should be a problem if you upload it manually overwriting the old files that are there. The information that toolset uses is stored in the database and not in the plugin itself.
Sorry Shane, just to be perfectly clear. Are you saying manually renaming old plugin n uploading new one will not affect the data or will it affect the data?
Hi Shane is out today so I'm following up on his tickets. To be clear, your data (layouts, forms, settings, custom post types, etc.) should remain intact in the database if you manually delete these plugins from wp-admin. However, it's always a good idea to make a backup in case there is an unexpected problem. It would be quite rare. Deactivate, then delete the plugins from wp-admin > Plugins > Installed Plugins if possible. Then reinstall them using the downloads from