I forgot to say that I've also tried to rollback Toolset Types to Version 3.2.7 and Toolset Views to Version 2.7.4 but issue persists.
Moreover we're experiencing the same issue with some other WP installation (always with Avada) over different hosting services .
I added the code you wrote to the function.php file and the content template can be edited with Avada fusion builder, it works.
We have the same problem in other websites that we have developed with Avada and Toolset (and your fix works here too), can we apply this fix also in these web sites? Or there will be an update of the Views plugin to solve this problem?
I cant say whether this one wont be fixed in views since its an issue on Avada's end.
This workaround is just to tell the fusion builder to apply to views as well. So for a proper fix a ticket will need to be opened with the fusion builder team.
Thanks for ypur help.
For the ticket I will open with the AVADA team, can you suggest me how to mark the problem in the most effective way (from a technical point of view) ?
What you can do is to let them know that the Fusion builder was not loading on the content templates, then provide them with the workaround so they can have a loo because we are using their hooks to manually register the content template in the workaround.
I've just got a reply from Avada Team:
"Please do let the Toolset authors know that their post type has public set to false. If we set it to true, we can edit the post by enabling the builder
As this is set to false the post type is not seen in Fusion Builder >settings
We can allow theme to show all post type but if we do that then a lot of unwanted posts would be seen"
Currently I don't know in order to change post type with public set to false
Currently the best thing to do is to keep the hooks active.
What you can do to ensure that they are not removed in an update is to add it to the Toolset custom code section in Toolset -> Settings -> Custom code, then activate the code.
Our development team is saying that Avada is calling the post type support a little too early, they are asking if the call for the post types can be moved to a little later since this is what is causing the issue, not that the post type is declared as private.
Secondly what you can do is to ask them if they have a better way of manually including support for post types, possibly using a hook as we provided?
Hi Shane,
as you suggested I've passed to Avada all information about this case and they've just replied this:
We have already provided with hook. I believe the author of Toolset are the same developers for WPML. They are already a part of our compatibility team. I would request you to please ask the developers to directly get in touch via support@theme-fusion.com and our developers can work together in further finding a permanent fix for the issue (they would actually know our developers already). For now, I would suggest using the previous fix (meanwhile if their developers do contact us, we will advise them for a permanent fix)
I ho pe it helps to find a fix.
Best regards and thanks for your support,