I was trying to:
Load an existing content template with the block editor. The page stops loading in the middle and is not even clickable within the fields. I thought maybe the content template got corrupted somehow so I decided to create a new one from scratch. I clicked on the new content template button. Set the name and slug, and clicked Save the Content Template button. I now get an error message that just says "Page Unresponsive". Its as if the entire content template system is now corrupted. So I can't edit existing and can't create new ones. This has caused all of the content on my site to complete disappear. Not cool.
I have tried this multiple times in different browsers, reset browser cache, site cache, restarted my computer, and I keep getting the same issue.
Please help!
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I can give this link privately or share screen images.
My issue is resolved now. May have been a plugin conflict (should always deactivate everything first). I ended up doing a restore from backup and discovered a plugin was conflicting with the site even loading after restore. So we deactivated it and the site was restored AND the toolset was working. So it was probably there.