Hi, Forms can allow you to move your cursor among input fields using the "tab" key, but not using the arrow keys like a spreadsheet. It may or may not be possible to do what you want depending on how your data is organized and how you want to manage it. Let me explain a bit more about what you can accomplish with Forms, and what is not possible.
Toolset Forms are designed to create or edit a single post, or a single User. So if you want to be able to edit multiple data fields in one Form, all those data fields should be associated with a single post or a single User. For example, let's say there is a test called "Exam 1". You want to store all the student marks for Exam 1 somewhere. You can store them:
A - In each User profile as custom fields, one field per exam/tutorial/whatever
B - In each Student post as custom fields, one field per exam/tutorial/whatever
C - In a single Exam post as custom fields, one field per student
D - As a single custom field in an intermediary post that links one student to one exam/tutorial/whatever
A, B, and D are not possible with a single Form, because it would require editing information from multiple User profiles, multiple Student posts, or multiple intermediary posts. C is possible, but it requires you to create custom fields for each Student for each Exam, or tutorial, etc. It could be quite tedious, and difficult to manage.
Another thing to consider: Forms require explicit submission. Unlike Google Sheets, for example, where your data is saved automatically, with Forms you must click a "Submit" button each time you want to save progress. Also, Forms do not help you implement calculations or functional algorithms. So after you have entered all marks, there is no built-in functionality to calculate the average mark, for example, or to sum up the total number of exams submitted.
I hope this helps you get a clearer idea about what you can and cannot accomplish with Toolset Forms. I encourage you to use one of our reference sites over at https://discover-wp.com to see how Forms can work to manage content. It's free to create an account and work in any of our reference sites.