I am hoping you'll see this response and reopen the thread. I have a related issue with Toolset types and blog posts. I wanted to ask you about that.
Our original issue was that Bog Posts (or any content-types) defaulted to Classic Editor after Gutenberg update. Once we went to Toolset > Post Types > Blog Post and saved the settings (while Block is selected as editor) it was restored to the new Block editor.
I ignored another issue at the time. I have some custom taxonomies (Blog Categories) created using Types and have that category assigned to Blog Posts. In Classic editor, the categories show up just fine with all the checkboxes. In Block editor, the "Blog Categories" heading is there for the metabox, or whatever it is called now under Gutenberg, but the checkboxes aren't there. Instead it is blank.
Any idea why this may be happening?
Pasting the second reply from you:
Just after I wrote the last comment, I figured out the cause. It is conflict with the JWT Authentication for WP-API plugin. I saw a number of REST API errors in the console and disabled all plugins. It started working. I then activated all other plugins except JWT, and it still worked. But with JWT enabled, it does not work.
I will dig a bit more and see what info I can find.
Please let me know if the issue is confirmed and if it's a conflict that happens only with Toolset and that plugin.
We can then either fix it in Toolset or reach out to the Plugin author.
We are looking into it today see where the conflict is coming from. I also contacted the JWT plugin team. I will update you once I have more info.
The JWT plugin team will issue an update. Nothing on your end to worry about.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!