I had this code working https://toolset.com/forums/topic/conditional-statement-for-usermeta/ and now all of the sudden it stopped working. I haven't touched it. Can you tell me how to fix? I recently updated toolset and think maybe that was it?
For instance I had this:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wp_get_user_role username='[wpv-search-term param='church']']' eq 'pro_account' )"]
This text
So this would make it so that it would show "this text" only if the account associated with the username found in the url (church=username) was in the "pro_account" user role. This is for logged out use, not logged in. Now nothing shows. Please help.
You could check if it was the update by switching back to a previous version, as found in the "Changelog" section here https://toolset.com/account/downloads/
However, you have the apostrophes in the Conditional not alternating, which could be the cause.
I'd suggest to do this:
- output the ShortCodes outside the conditionals one by one:
[wp_get_user_role whatever_param_is_offered]
[wpv-search-term param='church']
Check if those values match what you expect.
Now, if yes, output the ShortCode with nested ShortCode as you do in the condition:
[wp_get_user_role username='[wpv-search-term param='church']']
If that produces the expected output, it should also work in the HTML condition, but only after the Custom ShortCode is registered in Toolset > Settings > Front-End Content.
Please let me know if after this the issue is not solved.