I have a view that's a list of technologies. I'm trying to set it up so that if there's a custom excerpt, the technology name is linked, and if not, it isn't.
I set up a function to create a shortcode to check for an actual excerpt (instead of a generated excerpt) based on the advice here: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/show-post-excerpt-if-not-empty-otherwise-show-post-body/.
Here's my view:
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-post-real-excerpt]' != '')"]
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-post-real-excerpt]' eq '')"]
I expected to see: each technology has a header either with or without a link.
Instead, I got: only the more recently created technologies have any kind of header. (But editing and re-saving one of the older ones did not make the header show up.) Some of each type do work - see "Public internet access computers" and "Fax machine."
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
OK, interestingly, deleting and re-adding the excerpts seems to be fixing the older posts. Not sure why, but I'll take it.