Sorry - no luck still. If you want I can assign this ticket to supporter of your choice. Christian Cox is available now. You want me to pass this ticket to him?
hidden link - This works as expected and I see the homepage
hidden link - This never loads, too many redirects
hidden link - This loads without CSS like before. I submitted login credentials anyway, but then I cannot see the wp-admin dashboard. I am redirected to this URL: hidden link It never loads, too many redirects. I tested in different browsers, but I'm not able to access wp-admin.
At this point, it's probably best if you provide a clone of your website so I can install it locally and run some additional tests without this redirect issue causing problems. I usually recommend the Duplicator plugin. You can install it and create a clone of your site, then post the backup to Dropbox or Drive and provide a link here for me to download. Or, you can provide a link to download a SQL dump from your site's database.
Got it, thanks. I'm not sure what's going on with your server but the database dump works fine for me. I'm able to see the problem. The last two lines seem to have a bad combination of quotation marks, so not even the debug information was appearing. Try single quotes nested in double quotes, like this:
{!{wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-mitglied-vinothek) eq '1' )" debug="true"}!} Box is checked! {!{/wpv-conditional}!}
{!{wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-mitglied-vinothek) ne '' )"}!} Box is checked! {!{/wpv-conditional}!}