I am trying to set up a job search with several options to select and an optional text search hidden link
If I fill in the text input alone, it is working : I get expected results.
if I fill just select options with the dropdown input .... well I can't !! the text search input seems to be "requiered' "where is that coming from?"
If i fill both the text search input AND select options : it is not working (!)
I'd like the text input to be used with a "AND" with the other filters if something is typed in.
and of course Id like the text input to be ignored if not filled in.
For your information I just defined the text input this way :
<div class="form-group search-emploi">
[wpv-filter-search-box placeholder="Rechercher votre type de poste par mot-clé" output="bootstrap"]
--> something is changing the placeholder from this text to another text ! and adding an HTML attribute "required". So what I did was to change the way I define the text input to :
<div class="form-group search-emploi">
<input type="text" name="wpv_post_searchemploi" class="js-wpv-filter-trigger-delayed form-control" placeholder="Rechercher votre type de poste par mot-clé">
--> now the placeholder is NOT changed and the field is NOT required ... but I have some other problems (eg : the entered text is not memorized in the field and pressing "search", etc.).
I don't experience the same on my own test site: I suspect there is interference from another plugin or your theme, or possibly some custom code you have added.
Please disable all plugins except Toolset, make sure you are not running any custom code (disable any code snippets added in Toolset > Settings) and switch theme to twentytwentyone.
Try testing the search again. If the problem no longer appears then you should be able to determine the source of any conflict that triggers the problem by a process of elimination.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Can you please try to follow the instructions shared by the Nigel with the previous replay and check if you find any plugin that sets the text search field required.