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I want to make the validation message for the reCAPTCHA more natural. Currently if you don't fill it out, it says "Please validate reCAPTCHA" which isn't really very natural sounding English (imho). I'd like it to say ""Please validate the reCAPTCHA" or even simply "The reCAPTCHA is required" to match other validation messages. Is this possible to change?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - you can change the recaptcha message by editing your CRED form and navigate to section "Messages" where you will find the recaptcha text "Invalid captcha message" and you can setup the message as per your requirement.
Thanks, but the error text I'm seeing isn't listed as part of those messages. I see a "Invalid captcha message" field with value "Wrong CAPTCHA" but the text I'm seeing is "Please validate reCAPTCHA." I'm including the reCAPTCHa using this in the content box:
I haven't tried yet but will tomorrow. I'm concerned though as I also want to translate this text using WPML. I actually have it working already to translate to Japanese. If I do the above, will it mess up translating to other languages?
This solution also doesn't seem to be a "Toolset" way to do it but rather a more generic (and maybe a little hacky) way... is there nothing built into to Toolset or WPML? Seems weird to be checking against the exact text which could change in the future potentially.
If you are going to use WPML to translate the text, then you just translate it from WPML for other languages. Because you need a change in core text string "Please validate reCAPTCHA", you need to use solution as I suggested.