H1 and meta title in all categories is "Category" and on product listing page is "Listing page".
So it is the name of the page displaying the view.
I wonder if there is any way to change H1 and meta title into a name from taxonomy.
This not only matters to Google,
but also for the client browsing the website.
Thanks to these names, he will get a better idea of where he is, which pages he looks at.
Maybe I should make a separate template for this page and remove the default H1, and insert H1 with some code?
But that would solve the problem with H1, and what about the title meta?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I wonder if there is any way to change H1 and meta title into a name from taxonomy.
==> Do you mean the <h1> added to loop output section of taxonomy view?
No - still I'm not getting idea what you want to do. Could you please share few screenshot with explanation. Maybe this is really small issue but I'm just not getting the understanding correct.
Do you mean that the page title "Category" - you want to change it to current selected taxonomy title?
ahh OK - there in no such native way to do that but you can achieve this by little bit of custom programming. Where you should get the current displaying category id from the URL param and update the title value accordingly.
I see you are using SEO plugin - so to override the title value you should use hook wpseo_title
=> hidden link