I am trying to: give access to my user to edit custom post type
I expected to see: my edit post
Instead, I got: redirect to error page
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Hi there
You mean edit in the front end? The back end?
What you you done to give your user access to edit the custom post type?
Can you show me the relevant access settings?
Thank you for you quick answer ! and sorry for my english i'm french
I would like to give edit access to my users,Chercheurs, on the front end.
you will find attach my access settings, i give them edit own, delete own, preview any and read.
To edit i have a view where i have all their posts and within each post this link
[toolset-edit-post-link layout_slug="copie-detemplate-for-annonces"]<div class="default-btn-shortcode dt-btn dt-btn-m btn-inline-middle">Modifier votre demande</div>[/toolset-edit-post-link]
my layout_slug is to display content in a good design
Can you help ?
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
So what exactly is the problem?
According to what you have shown me, your Layout "copie-detemplate-for-annonces" should contain a CRED Edit Form for the Annonces post type.
Does it?
What happens when you click the edit link? Or are the edit links not displayed?
The problem is when I click on my link with a profil Chercheurs It goes to the redirection page (like i'm not authorize to acces it). If i do it with my admin account it does work.
The layout does have a cred form cf screenshot
The link is displayed with both profil (admin & chercheurs)
Thank for your help
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Thanks for clarifying.
You need to check the Access settings for the CRED form.
Go to Toolset > Access Control and then to the CRED Forms tab and make sure that the role has rights to use the CRED forms.
already done see my screenshot below
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
Could you please make one last test, and if that doesn't change anything I will need to get a copy of your site.
Could you please switch theme to twentyseventeen and disable all non-Toolset plugins to remove any possible conflicts.
Otherwise, you can make a copy of your site available as described here: https://toolset.com/faq/provide-supporters-copy-site/
I'll mark your next reply as private in case you are sharing the site details with me.
I found it, it was another acces tool. I'm sorry for bothering you with that.
Thank you for your help.