I'm using a search/filter on a post listings page and on normal sized browser the search works just as expected. Whenever the display width goes below 768px I can no longer click into the search and type anything.
Here is the HTML for what I'm using for the search section on this page (there are some classes added for CSS changes but I left the original classes per what is added when you click "Text search" using the button at the top of the editor in WordPress to generate the initial code.
Is this the default behavior of the search bar, or would this be something based on customizing the bar or something to do with my theme? Where should I be looking?
Would you mind sending me a link to the page so that I can see what is happening.
Usually things like these are CSS issues and can be caused by the theme since this is the main source of your CSS. Could you switch the theme to a default wordpress theme and let me know if the issue still occurs?
Sure, here's the page I'm encountering the issue: hidden link I figured since this is a common breakpoint it might be theme/css related. I can switch the theme but I know that we'll be using this theme moving forward. We're using X Theme > Renew Stack.