I am trying to: Create a views (with Views) to display info from the current post within Elementor Single-Post Template but it always display all the other post. I know I can show custom field with Dynamic Content inside a text-block within Elementor Widget. But the problem is I want to have the phone number clickable. I can do it within Views (content-template) but not with Elementor Dynamic Toolset field (since your link are only for email and not phone).
So how can I create a Views that display content only related to the current single-post (with Elementor Toolset Views Widget)? I already unchecked the box "don't include this page in query" and also set the limit to 1 post. But nothing work since on every single-post it show the same info like "first name: John" -> will show up on every single-post even if the single-post is now Dave.
I don't understand what you mean with "Could you go to the query section of your view and add a new query for the post id then set it to get the id from the page where view is placed."
I didn't see this options to set it to the page in the Query Filter for post_ids but when I added a new field in the Views Content Template, I selected Display Data for: The page where this View is shown and it worked with this shortcode attributes [... item='$current_page']. So I added this atts to all my Fileds and it work.
But can you explain me why this option "The current post being displayed either directly or in a View loop" isn't working for the loop since it show me all the other posts and why I need to select each field to tell them to select the current page? The Views is placed on a single-post so logically it would work with this option if I'm right. Also since the Views is on a single-post, if I add a query filter with post_ids by shortcodes attributes, isn't supposed to take the parameters from the Views Widget in Elementor ?
Hi sorry for the delay, finally I decided to go with Oxygen 2.0 instead of Elementor and Toolset Layout. So there is no problem anymore. Thank you for your time!