I am trying to: Add a new Custom Field
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: It is on backend under Edit Field Group
I expected to see: Add ne field dialog
Instead, I got: See uploaded image
Hi there,
I checked the website and saw the error. By checking my browser console, it seems that the system detects the admin-=ajax.php file as "not found" (error 400)
Usually, the cause of such an error is a Plugin or theme conflict. Please follow the steps below:
Plugin Conflict
- IMPORTANT STEP! Create a backup of your website or test it on a staging version of your website.
- Go to "WordPress Dashboard > Plugins" and deactivate all plugins except Toolset and its add-ons.
- Check if you can still recreate the issue.
- If not, re-activate your plugins one by one and check the issue each time to find out the plugin that causes the problem.
Theme Conflict
- IMPORTANT STEP! Create a backup of your website.
- Switch to the default theme such as "TwentyTwenty" by going to "WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > themes".
- See if the issue is fixed.
I did all of that and still did not fix the issue. Right now, I am using duplicator to download to localhost on my local computer to see if the problems are hosting and caching related. If that doesn't t fix it, I have no clue where to go from here. I am a long-time toolset user, which is a new problem.
I did a fresh install on my local machine using Xampp and was going and did a fresh install of all toolset plugins. Unfortunately, the importer/exporter plugin gave me this error.
Fatal error: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is not supported. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in D:\xampp\htdocs\tomashworth\wp-content\plugins\toolset-advanced-export\vendor\twig\twig\lib\Twig\Node.php on line 42
So I can't even import my post to test it on a local machine.
Anyway, I still cannot use toolset custom fields because I am having problems with the main site. It is not any of my other plugins or themes. I have disabled all of them and switched to twenty-twenty-two them.
Any relevant help on this would be appreciated.
Hi there,
Thank you for all the tests. I'm downloading the Site Duplicator package that you shared so I can check to see if I can find why this is happening on your installation.
I will get back to you as soon as I have an update.
Hi there,
Thank you for all the tests. I'm downloading the Site Duplicator package that you shared so I can check to see if I can find why this is happening on your installation.
I will get back to you as soon as I have an update.
Hi there,
I managed to install the website on my local installation and there it works ok.
I created a video explaining what I have seen:
hidden link
Not sure what to do now. I have been working with my hosting provider, a2hosting, and they say it is the toolset plugin.
I recreated a new site that only has WordPress and toolset on it. It uses the standard 2022 theme. It gives me the same error. However, it works fine when I use it on my local machine.
So I think the issue relates to my hosting provider, so as far as the toolset goes, I no longer need assistance. However, I added all this in case others have the same problem.
Hi there,
Thanks for your answer. I would continue the support ticket with the hosting company as it clearly shows that the issue is the server setup as the same codebase works on other servers but not the hosting service.
What I have found on my testing is that it is a problem of blocking Ajax call from the admin-ajax.php which is a normal WordPress ajax call method:
So maybe that can give a clue to the technical support of the hosting to know which limitation cause the issue. Maybe there is a setting or extra security feature that needs to be turned off.