Thank you for getting in touch. The font awesome 5 option I believe is only for backend use for our plugin's icons. This can be confirmed by the icons only being enqueued on the backend only.
I try adding delete icon to [cred-delete-post] but doesn't work, I am sure the [icon name="trash-alt"] can show the delete icon but just don't know why disapear inside [cred-delete-post]....[/cred-delete-post]
Does the icon display without being added to the cred delete shortcode?
Also does the same issue occur when you've added a text to the delete shortcode rather than using the icons? Finally installing the fontawesome plugin, is it active and can you confirm that an icon is displaying on the frontend?
If you're able to confirm this and it still doesn't work, please allow me to have admin access to the website so that I can have a further look at this issue for you.
Please also send the link to the page where you are testing this out.
I have some good and bad news. The good news is that we have identified the issue and this has already been fixed in the latest version of our Toolset plugin.
Unfortunately we don't have a quick patch for this, however the release will be made in about 2 weeks once the QA testing has been completed.
What I recommend doing is to continue using the "DEL" text until our plugins are updated and then you can proceed to using the icons inside the delete shortcode.
I must apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused.