Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have a custom Post type "Research Articles".
I have a custom post type "AHHA Authors".
These two are linked with a ToolSet Relationship.
I want people, who are searching through articles, to also be able to search by "AHHA Author" name.
In other words, I want to perform a search on a field that is linked (has a ToolSet "Relationship") to the posts being looped over.
Is this doable?
If you go here:
hidden link
You'll see, at the top of the list, the author: "Edwin Harkness Spina"
But if you search on "Edwin" (or any author name) you'll get nothing.
Please advise.
Hello. fields of related posts are not indexed by Relevanssi. One workaround would be to copy that field into the original post, then inex it with relevanssi
This comment isn't for or about Christian Cox.
This is just to say: I LOVE ToolSet - it's been amazing - but I find myself suddenly shocked that, where as you can build amazing, simi-complex data relationships, the fact that ToolSet doesn't provide ways to SEARCH those relationships has caught me completely off guard! A "data tool" isn't (or shouldn't) be measured by how you can put data INTO it, but how you can get your data BACK OUT when you need it - otherwise it's just a data black hole.
The fact that ToolSet relies (or refers you to) you to a 3rd party to do any searching at all (Relevanssi) is also a shocker.
I've enjoyed using it to build an amazing site.
But... as my clients are now disappointed with their search options I may, sadly, need to reconsider using ToolSet for future clients.
But thanks for responding Christian. You've at least put the question "how do I search in ToolSet" to bed, for now.
Thank you.