Tell us what you are trying to do?
I want specific products(events) to be paid directly thru Mollie(PSP) or in other cases thru invoice (business clients). So there are two ways to the approach of this question.
Product approach; if people choose a specific product they will see specific payment possibilities. When they choose a workshop that is 1 day they will have to pay immediately. But when they are coming from a business they can buy thru invoice payment.
Person approach; if someone is a business person or is send by the business they are working at they will tell this in a user form. Can I automatically show these customers the invoice payment? Or better yet just give them a message that the order is complete and invoice is send to the known emailadress.
I'm sorry, but I don't really have much advice to offer here.
You are talking about products, so I assume you are working with WooCommerce. Toolset facilitates customising the shop and product pages, but the workflows relating to payment are handled wholly by WooCommerce (and its extensions).
Forms has integrations to handle charging users to register (via purchasing a WC product), but the payment workflow is again managed by WooCommerce.
Customising these payment or invoicing workflows is really something closer to WooCommerce than Toolset. I can't even recommend going to the Toolset Contractors to enquire about developing these kind of features, as they are not obviously a Toolset thing.
So sorry to have bothered you. I am so busy with this project and toolset that I am forgetting that there are other plugins ruling the workflow. I will look into the woocommerce environment. Thanks