Hi there,
In a user role I added some custom fields, including address and city fields
I am able to set up a view that shows the addresses and cities of each individual user, but I am unable to filter it (because I only add custom post type data filters)
Likewise I am able to insert a map block but I cannot set it. The map block throws an error and I cannot manage its properties
Please could you assist me?
Hi Shane,
yes, this is exactely what I trying for. Display a filterable list of users as well as display their address on a map
Furthermore, when the user is registrating, he can choose between two different roles I created. How can I add this choice in the new user form?
Thank you so much
Hi Shane,
yes this is exactly what I am looking for. Displays a filterable list of users and displays their address on a map
Furthermore, when the user is registrating, he can choose between two different roles. How can I add this choice in the registration form?
You're not able to do a search on the wordpress default user object however you can create a Profile post type that the user can create after registering.
This should guide you through the setting up of the user and their profiles.
For the user role selection, my advice would be to create a link/button that would link to the different forms that would create the user under a different role because a user form can only be tied to one form.
This is not a valid solution for me but I understood those are the limits of the plugin.
I thank you very much for your support. You was very clear for me!