Hi Bryan
Sorry, I'm just catching up after returning from vacation.
I checked with the developers and we don't currently have a developer actively assigned to working on updating to BS4, and so I cannot give you an ETA of when Toolset will make the move from BS3.
From our preliminary discussions it sounds like the issues would mostly be with Layouts. If you are not using Layouts you may find you can use BS4 without issue.
Beda is off today but I will ask him to review what issues there are and any workarounds available when he is back tomorrow.
The first step to using BS4 instead of BS3 is to update Toolset > Settings to say that the theme is already loading Bootstrap (so Toolset doesn't need to).
Then you will need to manually enqueue the BS CSS and JS files yourself.
You can do that with the following code:
function tssupp_enqueue_bs4(){
wp_enqueue_style( 'bs4-css', '<em><u>hidden link</u></em>', array(), '4.0.0' );
// BS JS
wp_enqueue_script( 'bs4-js', '<em><u>hidden link</u></em>' ), array( 'jquery' ), '4.0.0', true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tssupp_enqueue_bs4' );
You can add that code at Toolset > Settings > Custom code
My understanding is that Views and Forms should work without issue, while Layouts may not.
If you try and encounter specific issues, let me know.
Meanwhile I'll ask Beda to work on a list of potential issues, which we can publish.