I have imported the content template from my live site to my development for the product detail page but now when try to edit the template I am getting the blank screen in my development site. What could be the problem I have face this issue many times, Need to solve this as I can't just reconstruct templates again evetime.
Template I imported in my dev site : Template for Products D New live
Yes, I have use the block editor for product detail page template.
No support ? so how will I move the temples from one site to another site ? So basically I have to create the template again for live site ? It's clearly the bug in toolset plugin, the front is working fine bug when try to edit the template getting white screen. At list share something that might be helpful to resolve the issue.
If you want to pull down changes from the production server to the development server it would be necessary to migrate the database as a whole (and vice versa).
The introduction of the block editor complicates the export/import process significantly compared to the classic editor days, and the developers have indicated that updating the export/import tools would be a major project, and they have not yet scheduled time to do it.
There isn't some simple fix we in support can provide, I'm afraid.