hey Guys,
I am trying to use beaver builder to build the item which will be looped through the bootstrap grid in view's, but if I click on either beaver builder or Gutenberg it just warns me to save and nothing else. If I click save, it just does nothing...
Looks like something broke?
Hi Marcel,
I'm able to see this issue on my local install.I've forwarded this to the second tier support so that they can check it.
Please keep watching this ticket and I will notify you once I get any updates.
Changing the ticket status. no need to reply.
Hi Marcel,
For now, as a workaround. please go to Toolset > Content templates and look for the content template that exists in the View and design it with beaver builder.
This is not a solution.it's just a workaround.We are working on the issue and will notify you once we get more updates.
Thank you looks like it works :).
Quick thing though, how can I link a toolset image into beaver builder image?
I'd live to be able to use the image module to manage the image inserted into the custom post type?
Hi Marcel,
I'm kindly asking you to open a new ticket for your last question and me or another supporter will take care of it as soon as possible.
Hi Marcel,
This is to notify you that the issue will be fixed in the next View release 2.7.4
Please keep watching this ticket and I will notify you once we launch this release.
Hi Marcel,
Views 2.7.4 has been released. Can you check if it fixed your issue?