I have a custom post type called Departments and a custom post type called Services. I have joined them in a 1-2 many relationship (A department can have many services.)
Next I want to allow the director of each department to be able to edit their own department and related services content but no one elses department/services.
So I created a post group for each department and manually added the department and service posts to the post group then assigned the user who should be able to edit to each post group. So far so good. Then I suddenly realised what happens when the director creates a new service post? I would have to manually go in and add that new service post to the post group each time. So my question is, is there a way to automate this. I.e when a new service is created it is automatically added to the correct post group (I can't see how this would be achieved) and if not is there another way to approach this? Thanks!
Hi, there's not a simple way to achieve this from wp-admin or from Forms, it will require a bit of custom code. The Access Group can be assigned by adding for the new post a postmeta value of "_wpcf_access_group" that contains the Access Group code. You'll have to find that existing value in the postmeta table of the database. Another ticket here in the forum includes an example and some explanation: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/how-to-use-cred-post-form-to-set-post-group-for-new-cpt-post/#post-572829