An example best makes clear what I want to achieve:
I have post type "company" with custom taxonomy "region".
A region is hierarchical (parent = country, child = city).
Let's say I create a new company "OnTheGo" and for the region-taxonomy I only check the parent-term "United States" and NOT any of the cities below it.
Now, when going to the Search View I only select the city "New York" (which is a "child" of the region "United States").
What I want, in that case, is to see "OnTheGo" in the search results -> this does NOT work.
If however, for company "OnTheGo" I checked any child (city) under "United States" then it should only appear for those cities -> this works.
Maybe the only solution is to save *all* child region term (= cities) automatically if only the parent region term (= country) is selected with some kind of hook.
Hope you can help me. Being struggling with this issue for a while now...