Where I have 'written by' and on the old version, I was using "Display Name" for the author... Inside of toolset, I was able to use "display name" for user... but it's not displaying the correct name for the author of the post. I've double checked the author being correct inside wordpress... but it's showing the wrong names on the home page for the toolset-driven draft I'm working on... and then any of the archive pages when you go back to page 2, 3, 4, etc. all are just completely blank for the display name, and instead just say: "Written by" with nothing after it.
Did I choose something incorrectly or is this a bug?
I sent in the info -- Yes, you can see the correct display names/authors on our main blog @ hidden link for any post. And you'll see they are all incorrect or blank on the staging site @ mclellantemp.wpengine.com